Jinak k nám zavítalo léto a nééé nebudu si stěžovat na vedro, toho si můžete přečíst všude dost :) Já jsem byla za slunečné dny ráda a zavítala jsem na koupaliště v Divoké Šárce a měla pocit, jako bych snad ani nebyla v Praze, Šárecké údolí je nádherná lokalita pro procházky i focení, určitě se tam brzy zase vydám. No a ke koupání patří každoroční otázka opalování, a jestli se nestane zázrak, ani letos ze mě nebude černoška ( ale pokaždé se o to pokouším :) Spálím se i přes dvacítku a bez faktoru přes léto skoro ani nevycházím. Kdo je tady podobná bledule jako já? Nezoufejte ! Moje maminka mě celou dobu utěšuje, že je to známka aristokracie :D
P.S: Průhledných věcí není nikdy dost !
So after a long time I'm here again. A few photos of my tired and sloppy me in a simple outfit - white, transparent, black. I just had to have theese jelly sandals. They are trendy abroad but here in CR you get them only as shoes into the water, but I do not mind, I used to wear them throughout my childhood and a lot of them swam away from my legs during swimming in river.
Otherwise the summer has come to town and no I will not complain about the heat - you can read about it everywhere :) I am glad for the sunny days and I visited the swimming pool in Wild Sarka and felt as if I was not even in Prague. Sarka Valley is a wonderful location for walking and shooting. I'm sure that I'll go there soon again. Hand in hand with bathing goes the annual question - sunbathing! It should be a miracle if even this will make me a black woman (but every time I try :) I'll burn myself despite suntan cream with factor number twenty and without suntan cream I even don't go out during the summer. Who is also white like a snowflake same as me? Do not worry! My mother comforted me all the time, it's a sign of aristocracy. :D
PS: There are never enough transparent things in my wardrobe!
Reno sandals, H&M skirt and top, C&A bandeau, Tupperware backpack (votočvohoz), Lindex sunnies
boží <3 a ty boty:)